Those of us who legally live in the USA are given the right to vote for the leadership of our Nation, our State, Counties, and cities. If we fail to vote we have no right to complain about the leadership. Your vote and mine gives us a voice, don't let it be silent.
If you are a Christian vote your Christian Spirit and conscience. Vote for the one's who are for life from conception to the grave [legitimately], and not coerced. Though the economy may be important concerning jobs, finances, etc. the morality of our candidates and their characters are of much more importance. If their character does not stand along side God, godliness, holiness and righteousness, then they are not fit for leadership. How they speak of God and Country and their worship is of the utmost importance.
God will not hold us guiltless when we vote for a man or woman who will kill babies before they're born, nor will He hold guiltless a man or woman who does not respect life after it is born; and until the non-manipulated death of the elderly.
Seek God's guidance, then vote.
-Tim A. Blankenship