Monday, June 22, 2015

The Reason America is Such a Different Nation

The reason America is such a different nation than it was 50 years ago is simple, we were different people then than we are now. We just were not the kind of people 50 years ago that we are today.

Find out what has changed and you will discover what has changed the people.

It's not guns, we had plenty of guns then.

It's not poverty, we had more poverty 50 years ago than we do today.

It's not the environment, we had more smog, and as many hot days then as we have today.

What has changed is evident.

Then we had the Bible and prayer in every classroom.

Then we as a society honored the Bible as the Word of God.

Then we tolerated all Faiths, but we only recognized the Christian Faith as true.

Then we believed that the wicked should be shunned and the righteous alone honored.

Then we believed that Government should be limited and the people free to rule their own lives.

Then we believed in personal responsibility and saw no need to feed the lazy.

Then we had self pride and thought it was a disgrace for an able man to live off of the fruit of another's labor.

Then we honored life.

Then we honored God, Family and Country.

Then we believed America was exceptional and patriotism was taught to every child.

Then we revered the Constitution and demanded our leaders did the same.

Then we thought it was the American way to attend Church weekly and a necessity for every child to be in Sunday School and receive Biblical training.

Then the only family we knew and recognized was the Biblical model of one man and one woman for a lifetime.

Then we saw the great need of a free Church in our free society.

Then we demanded our politicians be trustworthy and friendly to the Church of the living God.

Then our people couldn't even imagine the vile evils that are now such a part of the makeup of our people.

Then we were really a good people that would have never thought of committing the evils that today's society are so comfortable with.

Then our society believed that a man could fall no lower than to abandon his family and leave them for the government to care for.

These are the differences between then and now. These differences are what made America of yesterday a much better place to live and raise a family that it is today.

Sadly, the people of today are so fallen that they outright reject the values of yesterday. We would rather wallow in our cesspool of sin as we watch our freedoms and our nation slip away than to repent and return to the God of our forefathers.

We are now a people hardened in sin, who will only be broken by a cataclysmic catastrophe.
~Jack Woodard

Jack Woodard is a Facebook friend of mine whom I have yet to meet; but I trust what he writes because is founded upon the Word of God.

The Reason America is Such a Different Nation

The reason America is such a different nation than it was 50 years ago is simple, we were different people then than we are now. We just were not the kind of people 50 years ago that we are today.

Find out what has changed and you will discover what has changed the people.

It's not guns, we had plenty of guns then.

It's not poverty, we had more poverty 50 years ago than we do today.

It's not the environment, we had more smog, and as many hot days then as we have today.

What has changed is evident.

Then we had the Bible and prayer in every classroom.

Then we as a society honored the Bible as the Word of God.

Then we tolerated all Faiths, but we only recognized the Christian Faith as true.

Then we believed that the wicked should be shunned and the righteous alone honored.

Then we believed that Government should be limited and the people free to rule their own lives.

Then we believed in personal responsibility and saw no need to feed the lazy.

Then we had self pride and thought it was a disgrace for an able man to live off of the fruit of another's labor.

Then we honored life.

Then we honored God, Family and Country.

Then we believed America was exceptional and patriotism was taught to every child.

Then we revered the Constitution and demanded our leaders did the same.

Then we thought it was the American way to attend Church weekly and a necessity for every child to be in Sunday School and receive Biblical training.

Then the only family we knew and recognized was the Biblical model of one man and one woman for a lifetime.

Then we saw the great need of a free Church in our free society.

Then we demanded our politicians be trustworthy and friendly to the Church of the living God.

Then our people couldn't even imagine the vile evils that are now such a part of the makeup of our people.

Then we were really a good people that would have never thought of committing the evils that today's society are so comfortable with.

Then our society believed that a man could fall no lower than to abandon his family and leave them for the government to care for.

These are the differences between then and now. These differences are what made America of yesterday a much better place to live and raise a family that it is today.

Sadly, the people of today are so fallen that they outright reject the values of yesterday. We would rather wallow in our cesspool of sin as we watch our freedoms and our nation slip away than to repent and return to the God of our forefathers.

We are now a people hardened in sin, who will only be broken by a cataclysmic catastrophe.
~Jack Woodard

Jack Woodard is a Facebook friend of mine whom I have yet to meet; but I trust what he writes because is founded upon the Word of God.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Presidents and Patriots

“A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

“I consider a decent respect for Christianity among the best recommendations for public service.” ~ John Adams

“The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“All must admit that the reception of the teachings of Christ results in the purest patriotism, in the most scrupulous fidelity to public trust, and in the best type of citizenship.” ~ Grover Cleveland

Presidents and Patriots

“A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

“I consider a decent respect for Christianity among the best recommendations for public service.” ~ John Adams

“The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.”
~ Thomas Jefferson

“All must admit that the reception of the teachings of Christ results in the purest patriotism, in the most scrupulous fidelity to public trust, and in the best type of citizenship.” ~ Grover Cleveland