Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Town Hall" Meetings

As most American's know in recent days our politicians who are in favor of a government health care bill coming to pass have been having "Town Hall" meetings to hear your voice. It seems to me that many of them cannot take the heat.

Maybe I am wrong about what I am about to say, but I don't think so. When a man or woman is elected to the position of serving in the Senate or Congress do they not serve all the people in their district, whether they voted for them or not? If that is so why are many of them complaining about "plants" at these meetings? If they are people from their district, they are the Senator's, or Congressman/woman's constituents. That is at least the way I understand it. Unless, that is, they only represent those who voted for them.

If that is the case, then who are the "plants".

Now, in saying what I have said, I will say this. It is rude, and unbecoming of true American [USA] citizens to do what I have seen many doing on the news reports. The beating of a man outside one meeting whom the people did not agree with. Cutting the representative off when he/she is trying to speak. Whether we disagree or not doesn't give you or me the right to be rude. To me when we become rude, unwilling to listen to disagreement, and being disagreeable in our actions; it is because we are afraid the others may be right.

When you believe you are right you have nothing to fear. Listen to the opposing view. Voice your opinion and be passionate about it, but without rudeness, name calling, or bad language. When you listen you are learning.

Someone has said, "God gave us two ears and only one mouth. I suppose that means He meant for us to do twice as much listening as we do talking." That is good advice to follow.

That is my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.
-Tim A. Blankenship

"Town Hall" Meetings

As most American's know in recent days our politicians who are in favor of a government health care bill coming to pass have been having "Town Hall" meetings to hear your voice. It seems to me that many of them cannot take the heat.

Maybe I am wrong about what I am about to say, but I don't think so. When a man or woman is elected to the position of serving in the Senate or Congress do they not serve all the people in their district, whether they voted for them or not? If that is so why are many of them complaining about "plants" at these meetings? If they are people from their district, they are the Senator's, or Congressman/woman's constituents. That is at least the way I understand it. Unless, that is, they only represent those who voted for them.

If that is the case, then who are the "plants".

Now, in saying what I have said, I will say this. It is rude, and unbecoming of true American [USA] citizens to do what I have seen many doing on the news reports. The beating of a man outside one meeting whom the people did not agree with. Cutting the representative off when he/she is trying to speak. Whether we disagree or not doesn't give you or me the right to be rude. To me when we become rude, unwilling to listen to disagreement, and being disagreeable in our actions; it is because we are afraid the others may be right.

When you believe you are right you have nothing to fear. Listen to the opposing view. Voice your opinion and be passionate about it, but without rudeness, name calling, or bad language. When you listen you are learning.

Someone has said, "God gave us two ears and only one mouth. I suppose that means He meant for us to do twice as much listening as we do talking." That is good advice to follow.

That is my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.
-Tim A. Blankenship

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Constituents

Do the American, particularly USA Americans have any intelligence? Evidently not according to the Democrats who are holding "Town Hall" meetings to gain favor of our President's health care bill. When the constituents come to these meetings and voice their concerns, disapproval the charge is being made that these are planted people from the Republican party.

Maybe the charge is being made from the guilty party. Are they the one's who would behave such a way? Only the Democrat party can answer that question.

According to the CNN Political Ticker this charge is being made because several people are showing up who are opposed to the health care bill.

Do the citizens of the USA have any intelligence? I believe so. Those who are intelligent have the ability to make up their own mind, see deception when it is being promoted, and can make up their own mind without listening to the lying comments of one political party over another. In some things both Democrat and Republican parties have lied to the people. In the case of this "health care" we are being lied to and deceived from those who are trying to quickly force it on the masses of people who don't want it.

There are other things which we could be doing with the economy as it is. With the economy we should cut back on space exploration, and major on the things that are here, and this coming from one who is awed by the possibility of space travel, etc. There is much government waste, and "pork" spending which could be cut. Testing the damage of flatulence of cows on the environment, and then charging farmers a tax for their herd. You want to lose your food source,? Then run farmers out of business. You do that and you will no longer be eating pizza, drinking milk, eating cheese, or eating those good veggies which come on your plate.

Many of these rediculous things are costing millions when it could be used far more wisely. May God help the USA.

-Tim A. Blankenship

The Constituents

Do the American, particularly USA Americans have any intelligence? Evidently not according to the Democrats who are holding "Town Hall" meetings to gain favor of our President's health care bill. When the constituents come to these meetings and voice their concerns, disapproval the charge is being made that these are planted people from the Republican party.

Maybe the charge is being made from the guilty party. Are they the one's who would behave such a way? Only the Democrat party can answer that question.

According to the CNN Political Ticker this charge is being made because several people are showing up who are opposed to the health care bill.

Do the citizens of the USA have any intelligence? I believe so. Those who are intelligent have the ability to make up their own mind, see deception when it is being promoted, and can make up their own mind without listening to the lying comments of one political party over another. In some things both Democrat and Republican parties have lied to the people. In the case of this "health care" we are being lied to and deceived from those who are trying to quickly force it on the masses of people who don't want it.

There are other things which we could be doing with the economy as it is. With the economy we should cut back on space exploration, and major on the things that are here, and this coming from one who is awed by the possibility of space travel, etc. There is much government waste, and "pork" spending which could be cut. Testing the damage of flatulence of cows on the environment, and then charging farmers a tax for their herd. You want to lose your food source,? Then run farmers out of business. You do that and you will no longer be eating pizza, drinking milk, eating cheese, or eating those good veggies which come on your plate.

Many of these rediculous things are costing millions when it could be used far more wisely. May God help the USA.

-Tim A. Blankenship