Friday, November 11, 2011

Ronald Reagan 121283

From a friend on Face book,

We were sent here to move America forward again by putting people back in charge of their own country, to promote growth to give individuals the opportunities to reach for their dreams, to strengthen institutions of family, school, church, and community, to make the United States a stronger leader for peace, freedom, and progress abroad, and, through it all, to renew our faith in the God who has blessed our land.
Ronald Reagan  12/12/1983 12:00:00 AM
-posted by Tim A. Blankenship

Ronald Reagan 121283

From a friend on Face book,

We were sent here to move America forward again by putting people back in charge of their own country, to promote growth to give individuals the opportunities to reach for their dreams, to strengthen institutions of family, school, church, and community, to make the United States a stronger leader for peace, freedom, and progress abroad, and, through it all, to renew our faith in the God who has blessed our land.
Ronald Reagan  12/12/1983 12:00:00 AM
-posted by Tim A. Blankenship