Thursday, November 22, 2012

Quote from Samuel Adams

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions."  Samuel Adams, Debates of the Massachusetts Convention of 1788

With that said, Do you wonder where our current President stands on these issues?  There is no doubt in my mind that he is especially for taking the gun rights away, and has already squashed free speech and religion, within the Health Care mandate.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Quote from Samuel Adams

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions."  Samuel Adams, Debates of the Massachusetts Convention of 1788

With that said, Do you wonder where our current President stands on these issues?  There is no doubt in my mind that he is especially for taking the gun rights away, and has already squashed free speech and religion, within the Health Care mandate.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

November 2012


With the election coming up in a couple of months I thought I might look at some reasons one should vote for Obama.

The number one reason I thought of is economical, and has to do with the fact that he is already in office, so why waste another 200, 000 or more per year on retired Presidents salary.  I mean if we elect Romney, President Obama will still be getting an income from the American people, why not make him earn it?

The second reason I can think of is that the man likes going around making speeches, and turning peoples eyes upon himself.  He must really be an important fellow who demands such respect, and awe in the hearts and minds of those who adore him.  His promises are as good as his word; and we know how good that really is.

My third reason to vote for the President is because he wants to divide the wealth of our nation.  Under his ideas the rich will stop getting richer; the poor will stop getting poorer; and I am really sure that there will be more food on everyone’s tables, more gas in our cars, and more coal, oil, and electrical production.  Who among us would not like to have the same wealth as Bill Gates, Donald Trump, or the WalMart family?  Is that the way his ideas would work?

The fourth reason would be because he is such a good family man.  He is for everyone having the right to marry, even two men or two women.  I am that sure eventually he would be in favor of a man or woman marrying their own son or daughter; or their own sibling.  Is there anything wrong with that?

Sorry about the title; but I could not think of any more reasons to vote for President Obama in November.

-Tim A. Blankenship

November 2012


With the election coming up in a couple of months I thought I might look at some reasons one should vote for Obama.

The number one reason I thought of is economical, and has to do with the fact that he is already in office, so why waste another 200, 000 or more per year on retired Presidents salary.  I mean if we elect Romney, President Obama will still be getting an income from the American people, why not make him earn it?

The second reason I can think of is that the man likes going around making speeches, and turning peoples eyes upon himself.  He must really be an important fellow who demands such respect, and awe in the hearts and minds of those who adore him.  His promises are as good as his word; and we know how good that really is.

My third reason to vote for the President is because he wants to divide the wealth of our nation.  Under his ideas the rich will stop getting richer; the poor will stop getting poorer; and I am really sure that there will be more food on everyone’s tables, more gas in our cars, and more coal, oil, and electrical production.  Who among us would not like to have the same wealth as Bill Gates, Donald Trump, or the WalMart family?  Is that the way his ideas would work?

The fourth reason would be because he is such a good family man.  He is for everyone having the right to marry, even two men or two women.  I am that sure eventually he would be in favor of a man or woman marrying their own son or daughter; or their own sibling.  Is there anything wrong with that?

Sorry about the title; but I could not think of any more reasons to vote for President Obama in November.

-Tim A. Blankenship

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Ryan - Quote

The following is a reported quote from Paul Ryan, the Vice Presidential running mate of Mitt Romney:

I cannot believe any official or citizen can still defend the notion that an unborn human being has no rights that an older person is bound to respect. I do know that we cannot go on forever feigning agnosticism about who is human. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.” The freedom to choose is pointless for someone who does not have the freedom to live. So the right of “choice” of one human being cannot trump the right to “life” of another. How long can we sustain our commitment to freedom if we continue to deny the very foundation of freedom—life—for the most vulnerable human beings?
Now you decide.

Paul Ryan - Quote

The following is a reported quote from Paul Ryan, the Vice Presidential running mate of Mitt Romney:

I cannot believe any official or citizen can still defend the notion that an unborn human being has no rights that an older person is bound to respect. I do know that we cannot go on forever feigning agnosticism about who is human. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.” The freedom to choose is pointless for someone who does not have the freedom to live. So the right of “choice” of one human being cannot trump the right to “life” of another. How long can we sustain our commitment to freedom if we continue to deny the very foundation of freedom—life—for the most vulnerable human beings?
Now you decide.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Patrick Henry - Quote

I found the following quote as the title caption at The Sir Robert Bond Papers.

 "The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." - Patrick Henry
I believe the quote to be true.

Patrick Henry - Quote

I found the following quote as the title caption at The Sir Robert Bond Papers.

 "The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." - Patrick Henry
I believe the quote to be true.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Quote - Winston Churchill

“I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” — Winston Churchill

Quote - Winston Churchill

“I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” — Winston Churchill

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Quote - Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher.

Quote - Margaret Thatcher

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -- Margaret Thatcher.