Friday, November 30, 2007

Before There Ever Was a USA

Before there ever was a United States of America there was Christmas. Christmas was being celebrated by Christians many years before the USA was ever conceived in the minds of men.
I am taking a break from blogging until after the beginning of 2008. The Lord willing I will return after Januar 01, 2008.
Remember Christ is in Christmas. So let us put Him first all for the rest of the year, and then the whole New Year of 2008.
God Bless you all.

Before There Ever Was a USA

Before there ever was a United States of America there was Christmas. Christmas was being celebrated by Christians many years before the USA was ever conceived in the minds of men.
I am taking a break from blogging until after the beginning of 2008. The Lord willing I will return after Januar 01, 2008.
Remember Christ is in Christmas. So let us put Him first all for the rest of the year, and then the whole New Year of 2008.
God Bless you all.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Bible's Impact 3

This is the concluding remarks in Mark Noll's artilce in the Opinion Journal from the Wall Street Journal editorial page.

"THE AMERICAN BIBLICAL TRADITION The King James Version used to be our common text."

"Yet if the KJV was sometimes abused, nearly universal use also meant that its spiritual themes of reproof and liberation, its stories of human sin and divine grace, also exerted a great influence for good. In the 1890's Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other aggreived feminists published "The Woman's Bible" in an effort to counter interpretations of Scripture that had done women harm. When they asked others to comment, Frances Willard of the Women's Christian Temperance Union made a telling response: 'No such woman, as Mrs Elizabeth Cady Stanton, with her heart aflame against all forms of injustice and of cruelty... has ever been produced in a country where the Bible was not incorporated into the thoughts and affections of the people and had not been so during Many generations.'

It was the KJV that Willard meant as the Bible 'incorporated' in American consciousness 'during many generations.' Today the legacy of the KJV remains fixed in the common speech, even if awareness of the languages's debt to this translation is fading (another KJV word). Whether any modern translation of the Scriptures, or any other moral guide, can anchor the culture as the KJV once did, is a question worth serious consideration in the run-up of 2011 and the 400th anniversary of this unsurpassed cultural force."

Mr. Noll, professor of history at the University of Notre Dame, recently lectured on "The King James Version in American History" at the Library of Congress."

The value of the KJV has not been exaggerated in this article by Mr. Noll. The Word of God is important in every age. Versions of Scripture which leave out verses important for teaching the place of faith and baptism will be weak in promoting morality, and holiness before holy God. Though I am not a KJV only man, the KJV is the only version I place the utmost confidence. I will use other versions as commentaries, but the KJV is the one which I have the most peace using in study and preaching.

The Bible's Impact 3

This is the concluding remarks in Mark Noll's artilce in the Opinion Journal from the Wall Street Journal editorial page.

"THE AMERICAN BIBLICAL TRADITION The King James Version used to be our common text."

"Yet if the KJV was sometimes abused, nearly universal use also meant that its spiritual themes of reproof and liberation, its stories of human sin and divine grace, also exerted a great influence for good. In the 1890's Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other aggreived feminists published "The Woman's Bible" in an effort to counter interpretations of Scripture that had done women harm. When they asked others to comment, Frances Willard of the Women's Christian Temperance Union made a telling response: 'No such woman, as Mrs Elizabeth Cady Stanton, with her heart aflame against all forms of injustice and of cruelty... has ever been produced in a country where the Bible was not incorporated into the thoughts and affections of the people and had not been so during Many generations.'

It was the KJV that Willard meant as the Bible 'incorporated' in American consciousness 'during many generations.' Today the legacy of the KJV remains fixed in the common speech, even if awareness of the languages's debt to this translation is fading (another KJV word). Whether any modern translation of the Scriptures, or any other moral guide, can anchor the culture as the KJV once did, is a question worth serious consideration in the run-up of 2011 and the 400th anniversary of this unsurpassed cultural force."

Mr. Noll, professor of history at the University of Notre Dame, recently lectured on "The King James Version in American History" at the Library of Congress."

The value of the KJV has not been exaggerated in this article by Mr. Noll. The Word of God is important in every age. Versions of Scripture which leave out verses important for teaching the place of faith and baptism will be weak in promoting morality, and holiness before holy God. Though I am not a KJV only man, the KJV is the only version I place the utmost confidence. I will use other versions as commentaries, but the KJV is the one which I have the most peace using in study and preaching.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Bible's Impact 2

The following is the second part from an article by Mark A. Noll's editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, Friday July 7, 2006. I give you only a portion:

"Because the KJV was so widely read for religious purposes, it had also become a source of public ideals. Because it was so central in the churches, and because the churches were so central to the culture, the KJV functioned also as a common reservoir for the language. Hundreds of phrases (clear as crystal, powers that be, root of the matter, a perfect Babel, two-edged sword) and thousands of words (arguments, city, conflict, humanity, legacy network, voiceless, zeal) were in the common speech because they had first been in this translation. Or to be more precise, because they had been in the KJV or in the earlier translations, like those of John Wycliffe's followers (1390s) and William Tyndale (1520s), that King James' translators mined for their own version.

But during the past half-century, we have come into a new situation. For believers who read the Bible because they think it is true, a welter of modern translations compete for the space once dominated by the KJV. For the public at large, the linguistic and narrative place that for more than two centuries had been occupied by the KJV is now substantantially filled by the omnipresent electronic media. The domains that have been most successfully popularized by television, the movies and the internet are sport, crime, pornography, politics, warfare, medicine and the media itself. Within these domains there is minimal place for biblical themes of any sort, much less the ancient language of the KJV.

For some purposes, it is well that the KJV has lost its hold. Roman Catholics and Jews were once victims of coercive discrimination when they were forced to recite the Protestant translation of the Bible in the nation's public schools. And at many moment, like the Civil War, free use of this one version made it all too easy to transgress the boundary between the proper business of the churches and the proper business of the public sphere."

I personally know of no time when Catholics and Jews were "forced to recite" a protestant translation of Scriptures in public schools. They at any point should have had the freedom to leave the classroom or the room where the recitation was taking place.

The Bible in the KJV has been a prominent part in making this nation a nation with morals, the further we get from the Bible the further we will get from God Himself.

The Bible's Impact 2

The following is the second part from an article by Mark A. Noll's editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, Friday July 7, 2006. I give you only a portion:

"Because the KJV was so widely read for religious purposes, it had also become a source of public ideals. Because it was so central in the churches, and because the churches were so central to the culture, the KJV functioned also as a common reservoir for the language. Hundreds of phrases (clear as crystal, powers that be, root of the matter, a perfect Babel, two-edged sword) and thousands of words (arguments, city, conflict, humanity, legacy network, voiceless, zeal) were in the common speech because they had first been in this translation. Or to be more precise, because they had been in the KJV or in the earlier translations, like those of John Wycliffe's followers (1390s) and William Tyndale (1520s), that King James' translators mined for their own version.

But during the past half-century, we have come into a new situation. For believers who read the Bible because they think it is true, a welter of modern translations compete for the space once dominated by the KJV. For the public at large, the linguistic and narrative place that for more than two centuries had been occupied by the KJV is now substantantially filled by the omnipresent electronic media. The domains that have been most successfully popularized by television, the movies and the internet are sport, crime, pornography, politics, warfare, medicine and the media itself. Within these domains there is minimal place for biblical themes of any sort, much less the ancient language of the KJV.

For some purposes, it is well that the KJV has lost its hold. Roman Catholics and Jews were once victims of coercive discrimination when they were forced to recite the Protestant translation of the Bible in the nation's public schools. And at many moment, like the Civil War, free use of this one version made it all too easy to transgress the boundary between the proper business of the churches and the proper business of the public sphere."

I personally know of no time when Catholics and Jews were "forced to recite" a protestant translation of Scriptures in public schools. They at any point should have had the freedom to leave the classroom or the room where the recitation was taking place.

The Bible in the KJV has been a prominent part in making this nation a nation with morals, the further we get from the Bible the further we will get from God Himself.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Bible's Impact

The following is a quote by Mark A. Noll's editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, Friday July 7, 2006. I give you only a portion:

"THE AMERICAN BIBLICAL TRADITION The King James Version used to be our common text.

In 1911 the English-speaking world paused to mark the 300th anniversary of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, with American political leaders foremost in the chorus of exaltation. To former president Theodore Roosevelt, this Bible translation was "the Magna Carta of the poor and the oppressed...the most democratic book in the world." Soon-to-be president Woodrow Wilson said much the same thing: "The Bible (with its individual value of the human soul) is undoubtedly the book that has made democracy and been the source of all progress.'

'Americans at the time mostly agreed with these sentiments, because the impact of the KJV was everywhere so obvious. It was obvious for business, with major firms like Harper & Brothers having risen to prominence on the back of is Bible publishing. It was obvious in the physical landscape and in many households because of the widespread use of Bible names for American places (95 variations on Salem) and the nation's children (John, James, Sarah, Rebecca). It was obvious in literature, as with the memorable opening of Herman Melville's Moby Dick: 'Call me Ishmael." And it was obvious in politics, with no occasion more memorable than March 4, 1865, when four quotations from the KJV framed Abraham Lincoln's incomparable Second Inaugural Address: Genesis 3:19 ('wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces'); Matthew 18:7 ('woe unto the world because of offences!'); Matthew 7:1 ('judge not that we be not judged'); and Psalm 19:9 ('the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether')."

Now where our friend Mark A. Noll, or Mister Lincoln got that quote from Genesis 3:19, I havn't got a clue. It is certainly a misquote of the text, and from something other than the KJV.

The Bible's Impact

The following is a quote by Mark A. Noll's editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, Friday July 7, 2006. I give you only a portion:

"THE AMERICAN BIBLICAL TRADITION The King James Version used to be our common text.

In 1911 the English-speaking world paused to mark the 300th anniversary of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, with American political leaders foremost in the chorus of exaltation. To former president Theodore Roosevelt, this Bible translation was "the Magna Carta of the poor and the oppressed...the most democratic book in the world." Soon-to-be president Woodrow Wilson said much the same thing: "The Bible (with its individual value of the human soul) is undoubtedly the book that has made democracy and been the source of all progress.'

'Americans at the time mostly agreed with these sentiments, because the impact of the KJV was everywhere so obvious. It was obvious for business, with major firms like Harper & Brothers having risen to prominence on the back of is Bible publishing. It was obvious in the physical landscape and in many households because of the widespread use of Bible names for American places (95 variations on Salem) and the nation's children (John, James, Sarah, Rebecca). It was obvious in literature, as with the memorable opening of Herman Melville's Moby Dick: 'Call me Ishmael." And it was obvious in politics, with no occasion more memorable than March 4, 1865, when four quotations from the KJV framed Abraham Lincoln's incomparable Second Inaugural Address: Genesis 3:19 ('wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces'); Matthew 18:7 ('woe unto the world because of offences!'); Matthew 7:1 ('judge not that we be not judged'); and Psalm 19:9 ('the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether')."

Now where our friend Mark A. Noll, or Mister Lincoln got that quote from Genesis 3:19, I havn't got a clue. It is certainly a misquote of the text, and from something other than the KJV.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Was The USA Built on Christian Principles?

Here is a quote from the book THE REBIRTH OF AMERICA:

"In his stirring anthem to the solidity of the Christian faith, George Chapman penned the now- familiar words, 'How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!" And how appropriate are these words when correlated to America's glorious heritage.

This nation, without reasonable doubt, was established on the firm foundation of Scripture. Our forefathers, brilliant as they were, openly acknowledged the true genius behind the new system to be the eternal principles of God's Word. The most fundamental concepts of the republic find their roots in the Bible. From the beginning, the basis for law and government in American society was decidedly biblical. What's more, the new land was forged through the energy of the Judeo-Christian work ethic.

The United States in her first century of existence knew the stinging reality of conflict. There were wars, assassinations, injustices, catastrophes, and plagues of disease. But the young nation endured, for its moral fabric had been woven with the durable threads of Scriptural truth. Societal ills, like slavery, were ultimately recognized for what they were: violations of God's standard.

The record of the establishment of America bears the clear stamp of Christian influence. The impact of the Gospel is evident in the leaders chosen, the laws written, and the sweeping changes brought about through the transforming power of Christ in individual lives and corporate experience. America was not formed a nation apart from God, but a nation under God"

The nation that was built on the principles of the Word of God is quickly becoming a nation forsaking the Word of God. When we have Muslims protesting our freedom to remember the birth of Christ in our Schools, and one or more schools have already banned Christmas due to such protest,then we have fallen terribly. May God help us.

Was The USA Built on Christian Principles?

Here is a quote from the book THE REBIRTH OF AMERICA:

"In his stirring anthem to the solidity of the Christian faith, George Chapman penned the now- familiar words, 'How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!" And how appropriate are these words when correlated to America's glorious heritage.

This nation, without reasonable doubt, was established on the firm foundation of Scripture. Our forefathers, brilliant as they were, openly acknowledged the true genius behind the new system to be the eternal principles of God's Word. The most fundamental concepts of the republic find their roots in the Bible. From the beginning, the basis for law and government in American society was decidedly biblical. What's more, the new land was forged through the energy of the Judeo-Christian work ethic.

The United States in her first century of existence knew the stinging reality of conflict. There were wars, assassinations, injustices, catastrophes, and plagues of disease. But the young nation endured, for its moral fabric had been woven with the durable threads of Scriptural truth. Societal ills, like slavery, were ultimately recognized for what they were: violations of God's standard.

The record of the establishment of America bears the clear stamp of Christian influence. The impact of the Gospel is evident in the leaders chosen, the laws written, and the sweeping changes brought about through the transforming power of Christ in individual lives and corporate experience. America was not formed a nation apart from God, but a nation under God"

The nation that was built on the principles of the Word of God is quickly becoming a nation forsaking the Word of God. When we have Muslims protesting our freedom to remember the birth of Christ in our Schools, and one or more schools have already banned Christmas due to such protest,then we have fallen terribly. May God help us.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Nine Eleven

For some of us we will always recognize the numbers and the phrase Nine Eleven (911). It is the number to call in most communities for police, or emergency aid. It is also a date that we should always remember, and let us never forget that on that day in the year of 2001 our Nation was attacked by the most evil of religious zealots who hate and despise all that is holy, just, and good about the United States of America.

Their hatred is for the citizenry of the USA, for Christians, Jews, and anything or anyone who stands opposed to Islam.

Not long after the attack and fall of the buildings of the World Trade Center there was a song written which really touched my heart, and I give you the words below. Lest we forget.

Have You Forgotten, by Darrell Worley

I hear people sayin'. We Don't need this war.
I say there's some things worth fightin' for.
What about our freedom, and this piece of ground?
We didn't get to keep 'em by backin' down.
They say we don't realize the mess we're gettin' in
Before you start preachin' let me ask you this my friend.


Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten, when those towers fell
We had neighbors still inside goin through a livin hell
And you say we shouldn't worry bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
You took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbin for you and me
It'll just breed anger is what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it everyday
Some say this country just out lookin' for a fight
Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say right.


Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten when those towers fell
We had neighbors still inside goin' through a livin' hell
And we vow to get the ones behind Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
I've been there with the soldiers
Who've gone away to war
You can bet they remember just what they're fightin' for
Have you forgotten
All the people killed
Yes some went down like heroes
In that Pennsylvania field
Have you forgotten
About our Pentagon
All the loved ones that we lost
And those left to carry on
Don't you tell me not to worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
Have you forgotten?
Have you forgotten?!

Today we remember that day. Let's ever be vigilant to oppose such attacks against our Nation and our next door neighbors. May God forgive our sins and heal our land.

Nine Eleven

For some of us we will always recognize the numbers and the phrase Nine Eleven (911). It is the number to call in most communities for police, or emergency aid. It is also a date that we should always remember, and let us never forget that on that day in the year of 2001 our Nation was attacked by the most evil of religious zealots who hate and despise all that is holy, just, and good about the United States of America.

Their hatred is for the citizenry of the USA, for Christians, Jews, and anything or anyone who stands opposed to Islam.

Not long after the attack and fall of the buildings of the World Trade Center there was a song written which really touched my heart, and I give you the words below. Lest we forget.

Have You Forgotten, by Darrell Worley

I hear people sayin'. We Don't need this war.
I say there's some things worth fightin' for.
What about our freedom, and this piece of ground?
We didn't get to keep 'em by backin' down.
They say we don't realize the mess we're gettin' in
Before you start preachin' let me ask you this my friend.


Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten, when those towers fell
We had neighbors still inside goin through a livin hell
And you say we shouldn't worry bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
You took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbin for you and me
It'll just breed anger is what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it everyday
Some say this country just out lookin' for a fight
Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say right.


Have you forgotten, how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten when those towers fell
We had neighbors still inside goin' through a livin' hell
And we vow to get the ones behind Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
I've been there with the soldiers
Who've gone away to war
You can bet they remember just what they're fightin' for
Have you forgotten
All the people killed
Yes some went down like heroes
In that Pennsylvania field
Have you forgotten
About our Pentagon
All the loved ones that we lost
And those left to carry on
Don't you tell me not to worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
Have you forgotten?
Have you forgotten?!

Today we remember that day. Let's ever be vigilant to oppose such attacks against our Nation and our next door neighbors. May God forgive our sins and heal our land.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Bibles In America

Did the Bible play a part in the building of the Nation called the United States of America? My answer to that is a certain YES!! Anyone with any true historical knowledge knows that to be true. Let me give you some history on this matter of the Bible and our Nation.

"WHEN AMERICA CRIED FOR BIBLES Even the U.S. Congress cleared a printing of Bibles, and American statesmen helped spread them throughout the land"

"The American Revolution was in full swing. The Bible, through more than one hundred fifty years of early settlement in America, remained the base of her education, her colonial government. These Bibles had been shipped in from England

Now, suddenly the American Revolution cut off this supply, and the stock dwindled.

Here was America in its greatest crisis yet--and without Bibles! Patrick Allison, Chaplain of Congress, placed before that body in 1777 a petition praying for immediate relief. it was assigned to a special committee which weighed the matter with great care, and reported: '...that the use of the Bible is so universal and its importance so great that your committee refer the above to the consideration of Congress, and if Congress shall not think it expedient to order the importation of types and paper, the Committee recommend that Congress will order the Committee of Congress to import 20,000 Bible from Holland, Scotland, or elsewhere, into the different parts of the States of the Union.

'Whereupon it was resolved accordingly to direct said Committee to import 20,000 copies of the Bible.' During the session in the fall of 1780 the need arose once more.

Robert Aitken, who had set up in Philadelphia as a bookseller and publisher of The Pennsylvania Magazine, saw the need and set about quietly to do something about it.

In early 1781 he petitioned Congress and received from them a green light to print the Bibles needed. The Book came off the press late next year, and Congress approved it.

So originated the 'Bible of the Revolution,' now one of the world's rarest books--the first American printing."

From THE REBIRTH OF AMERICA published by the Author S. DeMoss Foundation, 1986.

I find it very interesting how the liberal people of the USA cannot find any truth about this. It may just be because they are blind to Truth, especially concerning the Bible God's Word.

Bibles In America

Did the Bible play a part in the building of the Nation called the United States of America? My answer to that is a certain YES!! Anyone with any true historical knowledge knows that to be true. Let me give you some history on this matter of the Bible and our Nation.

"WHEN AMERICA CRIED FOR BIBLES Even the U.S. Congress cleared a printing of Bibles, and American statesmen helped spread them throughout the land"

"The American Revolution was in full swing. The Bible, through more than one hundred fifty years of early settlement in America, remained the base of her education, her colonial government. These Bibles had been shipped in from England

Now, suddenly the American Revolution cut off this supply, and the stock dwindled.

Here was America in its greatest crisis yet--and without Bibles! Patrick Allison, Chaplain of Congress, placed before that body in 1777 a petition praying for immediate relief. it was assigned to a special committee which weighed the matter with great care, and reported: '...that the use of the Bible is so universal and its importance so great that your committee refer the above to the consideration of Congress, and if Congress shall not think it expedient to order the importation of types and paper, the Committee recommend that Congress will order the Committee of Congress to import 20,000 Bible from Holland, Scotland, or elsewhere, into the different parts of the States of the Union.

'Whereupon it was resolved accordingly to direct said Committee to import 20,000 copies of the Bible.' During the session in the fall of 1780 the need arose once more.

Robert Aitken, who had set up in Philadelphia as a bookseller and publisher of The Pennsylvania Magazine, saw the need and set about quietly to do something about it.

In early 1781 he petitioned Congress and received from them a green light to print the Bibles needed. The Book came off the press late next year, and Congress approved it.

So originated the 'Bible of the Revolution,' now one of the world's rarest books--the first American printing."

From THE REBIRTH OF AMERICA published by the Author S. DeMoss Foundation, 1986.

I find it very interesting how the liberal people of the USA cannot find any truth about this. It may just be because they are blind to Truth, especially concerning the Bible God's Word.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The USA and the Roman Empire

From an Article titled, WHY DID THE ROMAN EMPIRE FALL? This is noteworthy for repeat wherever we may do it.

The events which led to the collapse of the Roman Empire are startling similar to the events whech are occurring in our nation today.

Historical Sequence

1.Strong Families: Rome was founded on high moral standards. Each father was respeced as the head of the family. In the early republic, the father had legal authority to discipline rebellious members of his family.

2.Home Education: The education of the children was the responsibility of the parents. This futhrer strengthened the children's honor and respect for their parents and also deepened the communication and understanding between parents and children.

3.Prosperity: Strong Roman families produced a strong nation. The Roman armies were victorious in war. The wealth of conquered nations increased Roman prosperity and prestige.

4. National Achievements: Great building programs began in Rome. A vast network of roads united the empire. Magnificent palaces, public buildings, and coliseums were constructed.

5. Infiltration of "The Lie": As Roman families porspered, it became fashionable to hire educated Greeks to care for the children. Greek philosophy, with its humanistice and godless base, was soon passed on to the Roman families. Women demanded more rights and, in order to accommodate them, new marriage contracts were designed, including 'open marriages'.

6. Big Government: By the first century A.D. the father had lost his legal authority. It was delegated to the village, then to the city, then to the state,a nd finally to the empire. In Rome, citizens complained about housing shortages, soaring rents, congested traffice, polutted air, crimes in the streets, and the high cost of living. Unemployment was a perennial problem. To solve it, the government created a multitude of civil service jobs, including building inspectors, health inspectors, and tax collectors.

7. Decline and Persecution: The problem of big government only multiplied. Meanwhile, a flourishing New Testament Churc was established in the Roman Empire throught he preaching of the Apostle Paul and others. The final act of the Roman Empire was to bring great persecution to these Christians

Rome was quite tolerant of all religions except Christianity. Christianity was banned and Christians were persecuted, burned, and thrown to the lions. Why? Because the very nature of Christianity is intolerant of "the lie" of Satan which is the basis of every other religion.

The above was taken from the book titled THE REBIRTH OF AMERICA, published in 1986 by the Author S. Demoss Foundation.

Can we not see the simlarities in these things and the evil that is taking place in our nation today.

The USA and the Roman Empire

From an Article titled, WHY DID THE ROMAN EMPIRE FALL? This is noteworthy for repeat wherever we may do it.

The events which led to the collapse of the Roman Empire are startling similar to the events whech are occurring in our nation today.

Historical Sequence

1.Strong Families: Rome was founded on high moral standards. Each father was respeced as the head of the family. In the early republic, the father had legal authority to discipline rebellious members of his family.

2.Home Education: The education of the children was the responsibility of the parents. This futhrer strengthened the children's honor and respect for their parents and also deepened the communication and understanding between parents and children.

3.Prosperity: Strong Roman families produced a strong nation. The Roman armies were victorious in war. The wealth of conquered nations increased Roman prosperity and prestige.

4. National Achievements: Great building programs began in Rome. A vast network of roads united the empire. Magnificent palaces, public buildings, and coliseums were constructed.

5. Infiltration of "The Lie": As Roman families porspered, it became fashionable to hire educated Greeks to care for the children. Greek philosophy, with its humanistice and godless base, was soon passed on to the Roman families. Women demanded more rights and, in order to accommodate them, new marriage contracts were designed, including 'open marriages'.

6. Big Government: By the first century A.D. the father had lost his legal authority. It was delegated to the village, then to the city, then to the state,a nd finally to the empire. In Rome, citizens complained about housing shortages, soaring rents, congested traffice, polutted air, crimes in the streets, and the high cost of living. Unemployment was a perennial problem. To solve it, the government created a multitude of civil service jobs, including building inspectors, health inspectors, and tax collectors.

7. Decline and Persecution: The problem of big government only multiplied. Meanwhile, a flourishing New Testament Churc was established in the Roman Empire throught he preaching of the Apostle Paul and others. The final act of the Roman Empire was to bring great persecution to these Christians

Rome was quite tolerant of all religions except Christianity. Christianity was banned and Christians were persecuted, burned, and thrown to the lions. Why? Because the very nature of Christianity is intolerant of "the lie" of Satan which is the basis of every other religion.

The above was taken from the book titled THE REBIRTH OF AMERICA, published in 1986 by the Author S. Demoss Foundation.

Can we not see the simlarities in these things and the evil that is taking place in our nation today.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Moral Providence

The Lord willing this will be my final quotation from the Peter Marshall/David Manuel books. I pray you have found them inspiring, and uplifting as well as helping inspire a patriotic heart for God and our nation.

The biggest difference between the self-styled prophets of the New Israel and those of the original chosen people was that the Old Testament prophets invariably included an if: If God's people repent, humble themselves, and obey Him, then will He forgive them and bless their land. But if they do not obey His commandments, then will His judgment come upon them. Very few nineteenth-century visionaries speaking of America's Manifest Destiny mentioned the negative alternative. Lyman Beecher, however, was one:

If this nation is, in the providence of God, destined to lead the way in the moral and political emancipation of the world, it is time she understood her high calling, and were harnessed for the work. For mighty causes, like floods and distant mountains, are rushing with accumulating power to their consummation of good or evil, and soon our character and destiny will be stereotyped forever." From "FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA" p. 371 paperback

There is great need for this realization today. If, it is not too late to turn around.

Moral Providence

The Lord willing this will be my final quotation from the Peter Marshall/David Manuel books. I pray you have found them inspiring, and uplifting as well as helping inspire a patriotic heart for God and our nation.

The biggest difference between the self-styled prophets of the New Israel and those of the original chosen people was that the Old Testament prophets invariably included an if: If God's people repent, humble themselves, and obey Him, then will He forgive them and bless their land. But if they do not obey His commandments, then will His judgment come upon them. Very few nineteenth-century visionaries speaking of America's Manifest Destiny mentioned the negative alternative. Lyman Beecher, however, was one:

If this nation is, in the providence of God, destined to lead the way in the moral and political emancipation of the world, it is time she understood her high calling, and were harnessed for the work. For mighty causes, like floods and distant mountains, are rushing with accumulating power to their consummation of good or evil, and soon our character and destiny will be stereotyped forever." From "FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA" p. 371 paperback

There is great need for this realization today. If, it is not too late to turn around.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Summer of 1812

At a time when some of the States of the Union were considering secession this Nation was being attacked all around. It is usually so even in 2007. When any nation is divided she will fall. Here are the words from, "FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA" by Peter Marshall and David Manuel;

"In the South, while the question of slavery no longer had a place in the front-page news, it had hardly died away. Southerners needed only to look to the Northwest and Indian Territories, where most of the immigrants were settling, see the sort of states that would be formed from them -- most of them admitted with constitutions banning slavery. How long would it be before they were overwhelmed, in Senate and House? Right now, one of their own, indeed their champion, was imposing his will on the North -- how long before the shoe was on the other foot? Jefferson's embargo was hurting them, too; countless bales of cotton remained piled on the docks and levees, with no place to send them. Something had to be done...'

'By the grace of God, literally, the republic stayed together. The nation stumbled on, with Jefferson's protege, James Madison, now at the helm. But the situation was not improving. On the Continent, Napoleon appeared to be invincible. The Austrians fell to him, and the Spaniards, and the Italians, and now he was turning towards Russia; it appeared he was about to add the Bear to his list of conquests. The greater his success, the greater the threat he posed to the island race to his west. And the greater measures Britain took to protect herself. Now any American ship found on the high seas was likely to be taken and her crew impressed. As A. L. Burt put it:"

"The independence of the United States was being frittered away. The country was losing its self-respect, the most precious possession a nation can have, as it failed to command the respect of the belligerents. More and more the feebleness of the American government's policy had been teaching these embattled giants of the Old World that they could trample with impugnity upon American rights, American interests, and American feelings."

Marshall and Manuel take up the narrative again, "Finally, by the Summer of 1812, there had been too many ignominies, too many outrages; it was reported that more than 6,000 American citizens had been kidnapped and forced to serve in the Royal Navy, which had to replace some 2,500 deserters a year and simply refused to curtail impressment. If America was to retain any semblance of honor, she had no further alternative but to fight. Crying 'Free Trade and Sailor's Rights', the War Hawks in Congress won the vote for war seventy-nine to forty-nine, and on June 18, President Madison proclaimed that a state of war existed between Great Britain and the United States. The American cause was summed up by the commander of Western Tennessee Militia:"

"We are going to fight for the re-establishment of our national character, misunderstood and villified at home and abroad; for the protection of our maritime citizens, impressed on board British ships of war and compelled to fight the battles of our enemies against ourselves; to vindicate our right to a free trade, and open the market for the production of our soil, now perishing on our hands because the 'mistress of the ocean' forbids us to carry them to any foreign nation. ANDREW JACKSON"

There are times we must fight. One of them is when we have been attacked. Definitely we have been attacked again. From the book FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA pp. 131 & 132 paperback

The Summer of 1812

At a time when some of the States of the Union were considering secession this Nation was being attacked all around. It is usually so even in 2007. When any nation is divided she will fall. Here are the words from, "FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA" by Peter Marshall and David Manuel;

"In the South, while the question of slavery no longer had a place in the front-page news, it had hardly died away. Southerners needed only to look to the Northwest and Indian Territories, where most of the immigrants were settling, see the sort of states that would be formed from them -- most of them admitted with constitutions banning slavery. How long would it be before they were overwhelmed, in Senate and House? Right now, one of their own, indeed their champion, was imposing his will on the North -- how long before the shoe was on the other foot? Jefferson's embargo was hurting them, too; countless bales of cotton remained piled on the docks and levees, with no place to send them. Something had to be done...'

'By the grace of God, literally, the republic stayed together. The nation stumbled on, with Jefferson's protege, James Madison, now at the helm. But the situation was not improving. On the Continent, Napoleon appeared to be invincible. The Austrians fell to him, and the Spaniards, and the Italians, and now he was turning towards Russia; it appeared he was about to add the Bear to his list of conquests. The greater his success, the greater the threat he posed to the island race to his west. And the greater measures Britain took to protect herself. Now any American ship found on the high seas was likely to be taken and her crew impressed. As A. L. Burt put it:"

"The independence of the United States was being frittered away. The country was losing its self-respect, the most precious possession a nation can have, as it failed to command the respect of the belligerents. More and more the feebleness of the American government's policy had been teaching these embattled giants of the Old World that they could trample with impugnity upon American rights, American interests, and American feelings."

Marshall and Manuel take up the narrative again, "Finally, by the Summer of 1812, there had been too many ignominies, too many outrages; it was reported that more than 6,000 American citizens had been kidnapped and forced to serve in the Royal Navy, which had to replace some 2,500 deserters a year and simply refused to curtail impressment. If America was to retain any semblance of honor, she had no further alternative but to fight. Crying 'Free Trade and Sailor's Rights', the War Hawks in Congress won the vote for war seventy-nine to forty-nine, and on June 18, President Madison proclaimed that a state of war existed between Great Britain and the United States. The American cause was summed up by the commander of Western Tennessee Militia:"

"We are going to fight for the re-establishment of our national character, misunderstood and villified at home and abroad; for the protection of our maritime citizens, impressed on board British ships of war and compelled to fight the battles of our enemies against ourselves; to vindicate our right to a free trade, and open the market for the production of our soil, now perishing on our hands because the 'mistress of the ocean' forbids us to carry them to any foreign nation. ANDREW JACKSON"

There are times we must fight. One of them is when we have been attacked. Definitely we have been attacked again. From the book FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA pp. 131 & 132 paperback

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Inaugural Address - George Washington

On April 30, 1789 our first President was inaugurated into the office of the presidency of the USA.

Peter Marshall and David Manuel write, "He reached New York in time to be inauguated on April 30, 1789. Stepping out onto the outdoor balcony of Federal Hall, in full view of the assembled multitude, he requested that a Biblde be brought. Having placed his right hand on the open book, he took the oath of office. And then, embarrassed at the thunderous ovation which followed, the pealing church bells, and the roaring of the artillery, the new President went inside to deliver his inaugural address to Congress.'

'Speaking with a gravity which verged on sadness, his voice deep and tremulous, he went further than he had ever gone before in stressing the role of God in the birth of the nation:" From THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY p. 349.

"It would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplication to that Almighty Being, who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States... No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency... We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained."


My, how the leaders of our nation, and the people of our nation need to wake up and get back to the foundation of these truths.

Inaugural Address - George Washington

On April 30, 1789 our first President was inaugurated into the office of the presidency of the USA.

Peter Marshall and David Manuel write, "He reached New York in time to be inauguated on April 30, 1789. Stepping out onto the outdoor balcony of Federal Hall, in full view of the assembled multitude, he requested that a Biblde be brought. Having placed his right hand on the open book, he took the oath of office. And then, embarrassed at the thunderous ovation which followed, the pealing church bells, and the roaring of the artillery, the new President went inside to deliver his inaugural address to Congress.'

'Speaking with a gravity which verged on sadness, his voice deep and tremulous, he went further than he had ever gone before in stressing the role of God in the birth of the nation:" From THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY p. 349.

"It would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplication to that Almighty Being, who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that His benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the people of the United States... No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency... We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained."


My, how the leaders of our nation, and the people of our nation need to wake up and get back to the foundation of these truths.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Crucial Moment In History

In the year 1787 there was very serious debate of the Constitutional Convention. It was not being accomplished, and it seemed all was to no avail.

Peter Marshall and David Manuel write, "At this crucial moment, when there was not a man present who had any real hope of finding and effective solution, it was Ben Franklin who rose to speak. This elder statesman, who was also one of the most prominet physicists of his age, quietly said:"

"In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence of our favor... And have we now forgotten this powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?'

'I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: 'That God governs in the affairs of man.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?'

'We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; we shall be divided by our little, partial local interests; our projects will be confounded; and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a byword down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest.'

'I therefore beg leave to move that, henceforth, prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on our deliberation be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business." From THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY by Peter Marshall, Jr. and David Manuel, pp. 342 & 343 paperback.

O how we need again, to hear the words of this man in the history of our nation. If we are not dependent upon God, our Providence, for the leadership of this nation we will become the laughing stock of the world.

A Crucial Moment In History

In the year 1787 there was very serious debate of the Constitutional Convention. It was not being accomplished, and it seemed all was to no avail.

Peter Marshall and David Manuel write, "At this crucial moment, when there was not a man present who had any real hope of finding and effective solution, it was Ben Franklin who rose to speak. This elder statesman, who was also one of the most prominet physicists of his age, quietly said:"

"In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence of our favor... And have we now forgotten this powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?'

'I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: 'That God governs in the affairs of man.' And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?'

'We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; we shall be divided by our little, partial local interests; our projects will be confounded; and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a byword down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest.'

'I therefore beg leave to move that, henceforth, prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on our deliberation be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business." From THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY by Peter Marshall, Jr. and David Manuel, pp. 342 & 343 paperback.

O how we need again, to hear the words of this man in the history of our nation. If we are not dependent upon God, our Providence, for the leadership of this nation we will become the laughing stock of the world.

Monday, July 2, 2007

President of Harvard College

For the next few days I will be posting quotes from the books written by Peter Marshall, and David Manuel on the history of our Nation. The first is from "The Light and the Glory", and is a quote from a sermon preached by the Reverend Samuel Langdon on May 31, 1775, following the taking of Fort Ticonderoga.

"We have rebelled against God. We have lost the true spirit of Christianity, though we retain the outward profession and form of it. We have neglected and set light by the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and His holy commands and institutions. The worship of many is but mere compliment to the Deity, while their hearts are far from Him. By many the Gospel is corrupted into a superficial system of moral philosophy, little better than ancient Platonism.

'Wherefore is all this evil upon us? Is it not because we have forsaken the Lord? Can we say we are innocent of crimes against God? No, surely it becomes us to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, that He may exalt us in due time... My brethren, let us repent and implore the divine mercy. Let us amend our ways and our doings, reform everything that has been provoking the Most High, and thus endeavor to obtain the gracious interpositions of providence for our deliverance...

'If God be for us, who can be against us? The enemy has reproached us for calling on His name and professing our trust in Him. They have made a mock of our solemn fasts and every appearance of serious Christianity in the land... May our land be purged from all its sins! Then the Lord will be our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble, and we will have no reason to be afraid, though thousands of enemies set themselves against us round about.

'May the Lord hear us in this day of trouble... we will rejoice in His salvation, and in the name of our God, we will set up our banners..." From THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY pp. 277 & 278.

Can we see that this is a message that is pertinent for our day?

President of Harvard College

For the next few days I will be posting quotes from the books written by Peter Marshall, and David Manuel on the history of our Nation. The first is from "The Light and the Glory", and is a quote from a sermon preached by the Reverend Samuel Langdon on May 31, 1775, following the taking of Fort Ticonderoga.

"We have rebelled against God. We have lost the true spirit of Christianity, though we retain the outward profession and form of it. We have neglected and set light by the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and His holy commands and institutions. The worship of many is but mere compliment to the Deity, while their hearts are far from Him. By many the Gospel is corrupted into a superficial system of moral philosophy, little better than ancient Platonism.

'Wherefore is all this evil upon us? Is it not because we have forsaken the Lord? Can we say we are innocent of crimes against God? No, surely it becomes us to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, that He may exalt us in due time... My brethren, let us repent and implore the divine mercy. Let us amend our ways and our doings, reform everything that has been provoking the Most High, and thus endeavor to obtain the gracious interpositions of providence for our deliverance...

'If God be for us, who can be against us? The enemy has reproached us for calling on His name and professing our trust in Him. They have made a mock of our solemn fasts and every appearance of serious Christianity in the land... May our land be purged from all its sins! Then the Lord will be our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble, and we will have no reason to be afraid, though thousands of enemies set themselves against us round about.

'May the Lord hear us in this day of trouble... we will rejoice in His salvation, and in the name of our God, we will set up our banners..." From THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY pp. 277 & 278.

Can we see that this is a message that is pertinent for our day?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Former President

Many of the people who are patriots of our nation have no clue of the danger that is lurking at our doors. Terrorism is not the real threat to us, it is only a symptom. Illegal immigration is not the real threat to our nation. In writing this I certainly do not mean to sound so negative, or opposed to our nation, but I am really trying to defend us, and get us headed in the right direction.

The real threat to our nation is the idolatry pervading our land. The idolatry of technology, medicine, money/finance, recreation, comfort, convenience, even the idolizing of our children. Globalization is also an idol of many. The people involved in this seems to thing if we could just have one world peace, one world economy, one world religion, then all would be well. That is a farce.

When we have a former President of our Country saying that our nation is evil for its support of Israel then, we have problems, and I for one am glad to call him a "Former President". The man no longer has a heart for our Country. It seems more that he has his heart set on being a world leader, than a man of God, I once thought him to be. I have never thought Jimmy Carter to have been a good President, but I did see him as a good Christian, he seemed to care for the poor, and our nation, but not any longer. He would give us all over to the hands of Satan.

The following is a quote printed from Baptist Press concerning Jimmy Carter's comments at a human rights conference in Dublin, Ireland on June 19, 2007;

"The United States and European Union should recognize the terrorist organization Hamas as a legitimate component of the Palestinian government, former President Jimmy Carter said at a human rights conference in Dublin, Ireland, June 19.Hamas, he said, had won free and fair elections in 2006, making the United States' refusal to aid the Palestinian faction and recognize its right to govern a "criminal" act.Carter said he believes both Western governments and Israel are favoring the rival Fatah party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, which now only governs the West Bank. Fatah also governed the Gaza Strip until Hamas fighters violently overthrew the party there earlier in June. Hamas, which executed members of the rival party in the street after its victory, had prevailed over the Fatah-controlled security forces in Gaza because of its fighters' "superior skill and discipline," Carter said."

It is despicable, at least to myself, to hear a former leader of the United States of America say such traitorous things. It certainly shows he has no idea of God's promises to the Nation of Israel. The trouble makers in the Middle East is not Israel, but the Palestinians. Their own proclaimed goal is the extinction of Israel. When will this former leader open his eyes and see the truth? Maybe he has a personal agenda in this. If he thinks he is a "Peacemaker" as in Jesus's words, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9), he had better rethink that thought. It does not fit with the agenda.

A Former President

Many of the people who are patriots of our nation have no clue of the danger that is lurking at our doors. Terrorism is not the real threat to us, it is only a symptom. Illegal immigration is not the real threat to our nation. In writing this I certainly do not mean to sound so negative, or opposed to our nation, but I am really trying to defend us, and get us headed in the right direction.

The real threat to our nation is the idolatry pervading our land. The idolatry of technology, medicine, money/finance, recreation, comfort, convenience, even the idolizing of our children. Globalization is also an idol of many. The people involved in this seems to thing if we could just have one world peace, one world economy, one world religion, then all would be well. That is a farce.

When we have a former President of our Country saying that our nation is evil for its support of Israel then, we have problems, and I for one am glad to call him a "Former President". The man no longer has a heart for our Country. It seems more that he has his heart set on being a world leader, than a man of God, I once thought him to be. I have never thought Jimmy Carter to have been a good President, but I did see him as a good Christian, he seemed to care for the poor, and our nation, but not any longer. He would give us all over to the hands of Satan.

The following is a quote printed from Baptist Press concerning Jimmy Carter's comments at a human rights conference in Dublin, Ireland on June 19, 2007;

"The United States and European Union should recognize the terrorist organization Hamas as a legitimate component of the Palestinian government, former President Jimmy Carter said at a human rights conference in Dublin, Ireland, June 19.Hamas, he said, had won free and fair elections in 2006, making the United States' refusal to aid the Palestinian faction and recognize its right to govern a "criminal" act.Carter said he believes both Western governments and Israel are favoring the rival Fatah party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, which now only governs the West Bank. Fatah also governed the Gaza Strip until Hamas fighters violently overthrew the party there earlier in June. Hamas, which executed members of the rival party in the street after its victory, had prevailed over the Fatah-controlled security forces in Gaza because of its fighters' "superior skill and discipline," Carter said."

It is despicable, at least to myself, to hear a former leader of the United States of America say such traitorous things. It certainly shows he has no idea of God's promises to the Nation of Israel. The trouble makers in the Middle East is not Israel, but the Palestinians. Their own proclaimed goal is the extinction of Israel. When will this former leader open his eyes and see the truth? Maybe he has a personal agenda in this. If he thinks he is a "Peacemaker" as in Jesus's words, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9), he had better rethink that thought. It does not fit with the agenda.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


How many of you have heard of the SPP? Those are the abbreviation for Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. It involves Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The Whitehouse and all those who are involved in it say that its purpose is for the protection of our three countries from terrorism, our prosperity.

Some time ago; while all the debate was, and is still going on concerning our borders to the South of us, and the illegal immigrants crossing our border; I made this statement to some and it was mostly in jest; "Why don't we just take down the fences, remove the borders, and let anyone who wants enter this country?" Like I said, it was mostly in jest, and sarcasm. Then it wasn't long and I heard of this attempt to practically do just that.

I do want to make it clear at the beginning; I am in no way opposed to people coming to our Country to live, and work, and become a citizen of our Nation. It matters not to me whether they be Latino, African, South American, Canadian, Russian, Oriental, etc.. I just think they should come into this Nation with a heart for the Nation, and live according to our culture, our laws, our faith, or at least get along with people of our faith, without trying to steal our rights from us.

We have a major problem with illegal immigration in our Nation. I do not know what the answer is. It is amazing to me the number of people from other nations who so hate our Nation, but yet we have millions who want to come and enjoy the freedom which we offer.

Concerning the SPP; they tell us at the website that they have no plans of becoming one with one economy, one government, etc., but if you ask me it could very well do so when the wrong type of leadership gets into the offices of our President, and the leaders of Canada and Mexico. Go and check this site out, and let me know what you think.


How many of you have heard of the SPP? Those are the abbreviation for Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. It involves Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The Whitehouse and all those who are involved in it say that its purpose is for the protection of our three countries from terrorism, our prosperity.

Some time ago; while all the debate was, and is still going on concerning our borders to the South of us, and the illegal immigrants crossing our border; I made this statement to some and it was mostly in jest; "Why don't we just take down the fences, remove the borders, and let anyone who wants enter this country?" Like I said, it was mostly in jest, and sarcasm. Then it wasn't long and I heard of this attempt to practically do just that.

I do want to make it clear at the beginning; I am in no way opposed to people coming to our Country to live, and work, and become a citizen of our Nation. It matters not to me whether they be Latino, African, South American, Canadian, Russian, Oriental, etc.. I just think they should come into this Nation with a heart for the Nation, and live according to our culture, our laws, our faith, or at least get along with people of our faith, without trying to steal our rights from us.

We have a major problem with illegal immigration in our Nation. I do not know what the answer is. It is amazing to me the number of people from other nations who so hate our Nation, but yet we have millions who want to come and enjoy the freedom which we offer.

Concerning the SPP; they tell us at the website that they have no plans of becoming one with one economy, one government, etc., but if you ask me it could very well do so when the wrong type of leadership gets into the offices of our President, and the leaders of Canada and Mexico. Go and check this site out, and let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Roger Williams - Patriot

I found this over at a place called The Shepherd's Staff, and found it interesting and informational. You may read the whole article at that location.

"This principle of religious liberty, which so possessed the soul of Roger Williams, would find it's full expression in the words found in the Constitution of the United States of America:"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."and"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."It was not always so in the New World. After Roger Williams it was and it remains so to this day. He is truly the father of the American dream of a genuinely free nation in which all are on an equal footing before God and the law without regard for their religious views. I am grateful to stand in the tradition of such an outstanding Christian."

Roger Williams - Patriot

I found this over at a place called The Shepherd's Staff, and found it interesting and informational. You may read the whole article at that location.

"This principle of religious liberty, which so possessed the soul of Roger Williams, would find it's full expression in the words found in the Constitution of the United States of America:"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."and"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."It was not always so in the New World. After Roger Williams it was and it remains so to this day. He is truly the father of the American dream of a genuinely free nation in which all are on an equal footing before God and the law without regard for their religious views. I am grateful to stand in the tradition of such an outstanding Christian."

Friday, June 8, 2007

Conspiracy USA

The day of September 11, 2001 is forever sketched in my memory. It should be in the minds of every true American Patriot. If we forget we will pay dearly in the years to come. I am about to tell you a story. It is a true story. It is a somewhat sad story, and done in a little sarcasm.
A preacher friend and I were in Caper Giraurdeau, Missouri in late October 2001 for our Missouri Baptist Convention's annual Convention. We were sitting, eating lunch in a seafood restaurant, and there was something which had came into my thinking concerning September 11 of the month before. I have no idea why I was even thinking such a thing, and I certainly had no thought that it would actually be true. I had actually given it to an over active imagination, which sometimes I do have.
My thought was, and I presented it to my friend, "What if...". Don't you love "What if"'s? "What if our President was in on a plot to destroy the Twin Towers in New York City, and by doing that blame the terrorists organizations for it, thus striking out at those nations supporting terrorism?" Now, remember this was only a thought that came to the mind of my overactive imagination. I did not then, nor do I now believe such a thing, but Lo and behold, there are some ignorant, amusing, loudmouthed people who do believe such idiocy.
People whom I will not name, because of their present notoriety, and I desire to give them no space or credit at all; but will give their name's initials.
There is R.O. who is probably the loudest, and most boisterous of the lot. She actually beleves that our President conspired, and had people go in and do a demolition preparation for those planes to destroy the buildings. Now there is C.S. and he has evidently came to the same conclusion as R.O.. These two fit in the realm of those who think that man has never landed on the moon, and that it all was like a Hollywood production deceiving the people. Maybe even in the same category with the one's who believe that everything revolves around the earth.
Do I believe these Conspiracies are real? Not at all. They are from the minds of overactive imaginations, and that is where they should stay. To actually bring a charge of such means against our President ought to be considered a treasonous act. He does represent our Nation. An attack of such proportions against Him is an attack against not only Him, but every Senator, Congressman, and every citizen of the Nation.
Let's pray for our President. He has burdens we know nothing of. This war against terrorism must be won, or there will be more terrorists coming to our land, and the next time they hit will probably make 9/11 pale in comparison.
Think about it. Our President had nothin to do with the destruction of the Twin Towers. He is about defending U.S..

Conspiracy USA

The day of September 11, 2001 is forever sketched in my memory. It should be in the minds of every true American Patriot. If we forget we will pay dearly in the years to come. I am about to tell you a story. It is a true story. It is a somewhat sad story, and done in a little sarcasm.
A preacher friend and I were in Caper Giraurdeau, Missouri in late October 2001 for our Missouri Baptist Convention's annual Convention. We were sitting, eating lunch in a seafood restaurant, and there was something which had came into my thinking concerning September 11 of the month before. I have no idea why I was even thinking such a thing, and I certainly had no thought that it would actually be true. I had actually given it to an over active imagination, which sometimes I do have.
My thought was, and I presented it to my friend, "What if...". Don't you love "What if"'s? "What if our President was in on a plot to destroy the Twin Towers in New York City, and by doing that blame the terrorists organizations for it, thus striking out at those nations supporting terrorism?" Now, remember this was only a thought that came to the mind of my overactive imagination. I did not then, nor do I now believe such a thing, but Lo and behold, there are some ignorant, amusing, loudmouthed people who do believe such idiocy.
People whom I will not name, because of their present notoriety, and I desire to give them no space or credit at all; but will give their name's initials.
There is R.O. who is probably the loudest, and most boisterous of the lot. She actually beleves that our President conspired, and had people go in and do a demolition preparation for those planes to destroy the buildings. Now there is C.S. and he has evidently came to the same conclusion as R.O.. These two fit in the realm of those who think that man has never landed on the moon, and that it all was like a Hollywood production deceiving the people. Maybe even in the same category with the one's who believe that everything revolves around the earth.
Do I believe these Conspiracies are real? Not at all. They are from the minds of overactive imaginations, and that is where they should stay. To actually bring a charge of such means against our President ought to be considered a treasonous act. He does represent our Nation. An attack of such proportions against Him is an attack against not only Him, but every Senator, Congressman, and every citizen of the Nation.
Let's pray for our President. He has burdens we know nothing of. This war against terrorism must be won, or there will be more terrorists coming to our land, and the next time they hit will probably make 9/11 pale in comparison.
Think about it. Our President had nothin to do with the destruction of the Twin Towers. He is about defending U.S..

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Defense of Israel

Just because someone is a patriot, and loves their nation does not mean that they remain silent concerning his/her nation's faults. You have noticed some of them haven't you? Maybe I stand a little bit on the negative side at times, but I refuse to be a blind loyalist to my nation and not speak when I see a problem, a sin, or an issue of foreign policy.
I have been ignorant concerning our nation's DEFENSE OF ISRAEL. I have gone through years believing that our nation has always been somewhat supportive of Israel, and just recently find out that that is not true.
To my shock and dismay I discover that when Israel was striving to become a nation back in 1948 the USA was not a supporter. Rather stood in stark opposition against it. Believe it or not Russia was a supplier of arms to the new nation. And our nation refused arms to them to help them fight off those who were opposed.
Sometimes I am not so sure that our nation is supportive of Israel being an independent, growing nation. Israel had lands, and it was our Secretary of State and others who have convinced them to pull out and give those lands back to the Palestinians. Are we being supportive when we threaten to withdraw support if they do not give up their land?
The leadership of Israel has "bent over backwards" for peace. We should applaud them for that. At what price though have they done this. There is one thing, that I know for sure, and that is; if we - meaning the nation of the USA - do not grow more supportive or Israel and convince them to keep their lands, and surrender nothing, then we may just start losing more and more of our freedoms. We have already lost many of them.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." Yes. God says also, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed"
Are we defending Israel when we keep convincing them to give up land? Not at all. We are driving them right out into the Mediterranean Sea. However, I do have it on good Authority that the Nation of Israel will be preserved by a greater power than the USA. For that I am grateful.

Defense of Israel

Just because someone is a patriot, and loves their nation does not mean that they remain silent concerning his/her nation's faults. You have noticed some of them haven't you? Maybe I stand a little bit on the negative side at times, but I refuse to be a blind loyalist to my nation and not speak when I see a problem, a sin, or an issue of foreign policy.
I have been ignorant concerning our nation's DEFENSE OF ISRAEL. I have gone through years believing that our nation has always been somewhat supportive of Israel, and just recently find out that that is not true.
To my shock and dismay I discover that when Israel was striving to become a nation back in 1948 the USA was not a supporter. Rather stood in stark opposition against it. Believe it or not Russia was a supplier of arms to the new nation. And our nation refused arms to them to help them fight off those who were opposed.
Sometimes I am not so sure that our nation is supportive of Israel being an independent, growing nation. Israel had lands, and it was our Secretary of State and others who have convinced them to pull out and give those lands back to the Palestinians. Are we being supportive when we threaten to withdraw support if they do not give up their land?
The leadership of Israel has "bent over backwards" for peace. We should applaud them for that. At what price though have they done this. There is one thing, that I know for sure, and that is; if we - meaning the nation of the USA - do not grow more supportive or Israel and convince them to keep their lands, and surrender nothing, then we may just start losing more and more of our freedoms. We have already lost many of them.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." Yes. God says also, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed"
Are we defending Israel when we keep convincing them to give up land? Not at all. We are driving them right out into the Mediterranean Sea. However, I do have it on good Authority that the Nation of Israel will be preserved by a greater power than the USA. For that I am grateful.

Monday, May 28, 2007

A Real War Hero

I know we have some real war heroes in our day, and as far as I am concerned all the men and women who are fighting this war against terrorism are all heroes.
Today being Memorial Day I was home, doing much of nothing, and a little past noon was watching a good old movie. It was the movie about Sgt. Alvin York. "Sergeant York" is the name of the movie. It is a wonderful story and based on the life of a real war hero. In the early part of the twentieth century our nation was at war with Germany. Alvin York was a Tennesee born citizen of the USA, and he received a draft notice. According to the story he had sent in notice of being a "Conscientious Objecter" seeking for release from being drafted.
By reading the Bible he had reached the conclusion that it was wrong to kill. After receiving the draft notice and realizing he had been turned down he went on to serve in the military. He was an expert marksman with a rifle.
When the man was about to receive the upper rank of Major he was given furlough to go home and think about the matter of "Killing a threat against another man". He finally read where Jesus had said, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's", and he received peace concerning his promotion in rank, and leading his men into battle.
On the battlefield, Major York and his company of men came under a barrage of bullet fire, and grenades. He alone took out the machine gunners, and captured nearly 100 men, after killing twenty or more, and took them down the hill to his men.
Upon his return home he was offered several profitable financial advances, but he refused them, because, he realized it was because of his taking the lives of those men. He did not want to profit from something, that duty had required him to do. Men, and women who will not take gains for their war efforts are certainly commendable, and much needed in our day and time.
God bless the real heroes of yesterday and those of today.

A Real War Hero

I know we have some real war heroes in our day, and as far as I am concerned all the men and women who are fighting this war against terrorism are all heroes.
Today being Memorial Day I was home, doing much of nothing, and a little past noon was watching a good old movie. It was the movie about Sgt. Alvin York. "Sergeant York" is the name of the movie. It is a wonderful story and based on the life of a real war hero. In the early part of the twentieth century our nation was at war with Germany. Alvin York was a Tennesee born citizen of the USA, and he received a draft notice. According to the story he had sent in notice of being a "Conscientious Objecter" seeking for release from being drafted.
By reading the Bible he had reached the conclusion that it was wrong to kill. After receiving the draft notice and realizing he had been turned down he went on to serve in the military. He was an expert marksman with a rifle.
When the man was about to receive the upper rank of Major he was given furlough to go home and think about the matter of "Killing a threat against another man". He finally read where Jesus had said, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's", and he received peace concerning his promotion in rank, and leading his men into battle.
On the battlefield, Major York and his company of men came under a barrage of bullet fire, and grenades. He alone took out the machine gunners, and captured nearly 100 men, after killing twenty or more, and took them down the hill to his men.
Upon his return home he was offered several profitable financial advances, but he refused them, because, he realized it was because of his taking the lives of those men. He did not want to profit from something, that duty had required him to do. Men, and women who will not take gains for their war efforts are certainly commendable, and much needed in our day and time.
God bless the real heroes of yesterday and those of today.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Giving Praise Where Praise Belongs

I am thankful to live in a Nation that is free. It is free for one reason, and that is because the Lord of Creation has ordained it to be, and has protected and kept us free.
We are free from Communism, free from tyranny, and we are - at least for the time being - free to worship God. There may come a time when that will end.
I do not mean to take away the remembrance of our country's men and women who have given their lives for our Nations call to arms, in fighting the many battles which have been fought and are now being fought. Much blood of U.S. citizens has been shed in the past 231 or so years of our nations history. We should applaud them, recognize them, and thank them; but let's not forget where the real praise belongs.
If we have come this far solely by the blood of our soldiers spilled on the battlefields of the world, then we have much to boast of, and do it loudly; but that is not the case. We are a God-Blessed Nation. We have been a God protected Nation. May that continue to be.
The writer of the Twentieth Psalm wrote,
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God."
Any Nation that has ever began with God, and then, turned its back on God has fallen. Let's pray that the blood of our soldiers, spilled on the battlefields, will not have been wasted by neglecting the Word of the Lord.
Have a good and safe Memorial Day.

Giving Praise Where Praise Belongs

I am thankful to live in a Nation that is free. It is free for one reason, and that is because the Lord of Creation has ordained it to be, and has protected and kept us free.
We are free from Communism, free from tyranny, and we are - at least for the time being - free to worship God. There may come a time when that will end.
I do not mean to take away the remembrance of our country's men and women who have given their lives for our Nations call to arms, in fighting the many battles which have been fought and are now being fought. Much blood of U.S. citizens has been shed in the past 231 or so years of our nations history. We should applaud them, recognize them, and thank them; but let's not forget where the real praise belongs.
If we have come this far solely by the blood of our soldiers spilled on the battlefields of the world, then we have much to boast of, and do it loudly; but that is not the case. We are a God-Blessed Nation. We have been a God protected Nation. May that continue to be.
The writer of the Twentieth Psalm wrote,
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God."
Any Nation that has ever began with God, and then, turned its back on God has fallen. Let's pray that the blood of our soldiers, spilled on the battlefields, will not have been wasted by neglecting the Word of the Lord.
Have a good and safe Memorial Day.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Patriot Has Died

The man was not involved in the political process until he heard of the legalization of abortion. He thought of the millions of unborn children who would be slaughtered by those whose main objective was not women's rights, but profits.
Dr. Jerry Falwell was a man who first of all loved the LORD God, loved his family, and loved his Country. He was motivated to help point this nation back to its Judeo/Christian roots.
I had grown not to agree with all that the "Religious Right" was doing. It just seems that many there believed that the answer for all our moral ills was in the political process. My belief is that the answer for the Country's moral ills is a change of heart in people through the cross of Jesus Christ. I know and believe that Dr. Falwell believed that too, but he wanted people to be motivated to get out and vote their Christian conscience. And, I have, as well as many others.
Those who know Dr. Falwell would be able to say that he was a genuine Christian man. He sincerely believed and with conviction that what he has done was for God, Country, and his fellow American.
There is no doubt in my mind that Jerry Falwell loved God, His Word, His people, His Church and people in general. It seems that all that he did he believed he was right in doing so, until he found it to be wrong.
Keep his family, Thomas Road Baptist Church, and Liberty University in your prayers.

A Patriot Has Died

The man was not involved in the political process until he heard of the legalization of abortion. He thought of the millions of unborn children who would be slaughtered by those whose main objective was not women's rights, but profits.
Dr. Jerry Falwell was a man who first of all loved the LORD God, loved his family, and loved his Country. He was motivated to help point this nation back to its Judeo/Christian roots.
I had grown not to agree with all that the "Religious Right" was doing. It just seems that many there believed that the answer for all our moral ills was in the political process. My belief is that the answer for the Country's moral ills is a change of heart in people through the cross of Jesus Christ. I know and believe that Dr. Falwell believed that too, but he wanted people to be motivated to get out and vote their Christian conscience. And, I have, as well as many others.
Those who know Dr. Falwell would be able to say that he was a genuine Christian man. He sincerely believed and with conviction that what he has done was for God, Country, and his fellow American.
There is no doubt in my mind that Jerry Falwell loved God, His Word, His people, His Church and people in general. It seems that all that he did he believed he was right in doing so, until he found it to be wrong.
Keep his family, Thomas Road Baptist Church, and Liberty University in your prayers.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Fort Dix Patriot

Last week there was quite a bit of talk about "The Fort Dix Six". They were, of course, speaking of a group of six terrorist who had been in the planning stages of attacking Fort Dix.
It seems that there is a young heroic patriot in this story. A teenage young man working in Circuit City was asked by a man to make a DVD of a video taken, I suppose by the man bringing it in. As the young clerk is making the DVD he is also viewing it, and sees that it is a terrorist video and phrases being spoken which are antiAmerican. After the terrorist leaves with the DVD this young clerk, evidently is greatly bothered by what he has seen, and goes to his boss asking what he should do. His boss tells him to report it. That is what he does.
Now we know that these six have been captured, and a plot to destroy a fort has been abated.
Thank the Lord for this young man. His life could very well be in danger, because of his courage and patriotism, and care for his fellow citizens of the USA.
I know our Nation is not perfect. It has a long way to go before it gets to perfection, and it will not reach it, because it is gradually perishing. I certainly do not want it to go down by the hand of terrorism.
We all must take courage, and realize that the care of this Nation is in the hand of the great Creator of all things, our Savior Jesus Christ. Unless we return to God the United States of America will fall. And great will be that fall.
This young man needs our prayers for God's protection, and for courage to continue on with his life. Young man, whoever you are; God bless you and keep you. May His light shine upon you and give you peace.

Fort Dix Patriot

Last week there was quite a bit of talk about "The Fort Dix Six". They were, of course, speaking of a group of six terrorist who had been in the planning stages of attacking Fort Dix.
It seems that there is a young heroic patriot in this story. A teenage young man working in Circuit City was asked by a man to make a DVD of a video taken, I suppose by the man bringing it in. As the young clerk is making the DVD he is also viewing it, and sees that it is a terrorist video and phrases being spoken which are antiAmerican. After the terrorist leaves with the DVD this young clerk, evidently is greatly bothered by what he has seen, and goes to his boss asking what he should do. His boss tells him to report it. That is what he does.
Now we know that these six have been captured, and a plot to destroy a fort has been abated.
Thank the Lord for this young man. His life could very well be in danger, because of his courage and patriotism, and care for his fellow citizens of the USA.
I know our Nation is not perfect. It has a long way to go before it gets to perfection, and it will not reach it, because it is gradually perishing. I certainly do not want it to go down by the hand of terrorism.
We all must take courage, and realize that the care of this Nation is in the hand of the great Creator of all things, our Savior Jesus Christ. Unless we return to God the United States of America will fall. And great will be that fall.
This young man needs our prayers for God's protection, and for courage to continue on with his life. Young man, whoever you are; God bless you and keep you. May His light shine upon you and give you peace.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

How the Mighty Have Fallen

I love my Country of the USA, and it saddens me greatly when I see the gross immorality within it, and that immorality that is not so gross grieves my heart as well. The below article shows the level to which the "Mighty" have fallen.

"Pennsylvania Court Orders Sperm Donor to Lesbian Couple to Pay Child Support
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania — A sperm donor who helped a lesbian couple conceive two children is liable for child support under a state appellate court ruling that a legal expert believes might be the first of its kind in the U.S.
A Superior Court panel last week ordered a Dauphin County judge to establish how much Carl L. Frampton Jr. would have to pay to the birth mother of the 8-year-old boy and 7-year-old girl.
"I'm unaware of any other state appellate court that has found that a child has, simultaneously, three adults who are financially obligated to the child's support and are also entitled to visitation," said New York Law School professor Arthur S. Leonard, an expert on sexuality and the law.
But Frampton, 60, of Indiana, Pennsylvania, died suddenly of a stroke in March, leaving lawyers involved in the case with different theories about how his death may affect the precedent-setting case.
Jodilynn Jacob, 33, and Jennifer Lee Shultz-Jacob, 48, moved in together as a couple in 1996, and were granted a civil-union license in Vermont in 2002. In addition to conceiving the two children with the help of Frampton — a longtime friend of Shultz-Jacob's — Jacob also adopted her brother's two older children, now 12 and 13"
The above was taken from the Fox News website, and Kairos Journal provided the link to it. How much longer can this Nation endure, and continue with such blatant immorality and injustice. I am afraid that it will not be long unless we turn our hearts back to God.