I am thankful to live in a Nation that is free. It is free for one reason, and that is because the Lord of Creation has ordained it to be, and has protected and kept us free.
We are free from Communism, free from tyranny, and we are - at least for the time being - free to worship God. There may come a time when that will end.
I do not mean to take away the remembrance of our country's men and women who have given their lives for our Nations call to arms, in fighting the many battles which have been fought and are now being fought. Much blood of U.S. citizens has been shed in the past 231 or so years of our nations history. We should applaud them, recognize them, and thank them; but let's not forget where the real praise belongs.
If we have come this far solely by the blood of our soldiers spilled on the battlefields of the world, then we have much to boast of, and do it loudly; but that is not the case. We are a God-Blessed Nation. We have been a God protected Nation. May that continue to be.
The writer of the Twentieth Psalm wrote,
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God."
Any Nation that has ever began with God, and then, turned its back on God has fallen. Let's pray that the blood of our soldiers, spilled on the battlefields, will not have been wasted by neglecting the Word of the Lord.
Have a good and safe Memorial Day.
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