Just because someone is a patriot, and loves their nation does not mean that they remain silent concerning his/her nation's faults. You have noticed some of them haven't you? Maybe I stand a little bit on the negative side at times, but I refuse to be a blind loyalist to my nation and not speak when I see a problem, a sin, or an issue of foreign policy.
I have been ignorant concerning our nation's DEFENSE OF ISRAEL. I have gone through years believing that our nation has always been somewhat supportive of Israel, and just recently find out that that is not true.
To my shock and dismay I discover that when Israel was striving to become a nation back in 1948 the USA was not a supporter. Rather stood in stark opposition against it. Believe it or not Russia was a supplier of arms to the new nation. And our nation refused arms to them to help them fight off those who were opposed.
Sometimes I am not so sure that our nation is supportive of Israel being an independent, growing nation. Israel had lands, and it was our Secretary of State and others who have convinced them to pull out and give those lands back to the Palestinians. Are we being supportive when we threaten to withdraw support if they do not give up their land?
The leadership of Israel has "bent over backwards" for peace. We should applaud them for that. At what price though have they done this. There is one thing, that I know for sure, and that is; if we - meaning the nation of the USA - do not grow more supportive or Israel and convince them to keep their lands, and surrender nothing, then we may just start losing more and more of our freedoms. We have already lost many of them.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." Yes. God says also, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed"
Are we defending Israel when we keep convincing them to give up land? Not at all. We are driving them right out into the Mediterranean Sea. However, I do have it on good Authority that the Nation of Israel will be preserved by a greater power than the USA. For that I am grateful.
Wow, that is so true. We should support our country, although we have faults. And I find it so weird that so many people do not support Israel (for reasons yet unexplained). Thanks.
Thanks for your comment. Our Nation must be a defense for Israel or we run against our Creator.
Thanks again.
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