Monday, August 6, 2007

The USA and the Roman Empire

From an Article titled, WHY DID THE ROMAN EMPIRE FALL? This is noteworthy for repeat wherever we may do it.

The events which led to the collapse of the Roman Empire are startling similar to the events whech are occurring in our nation today.

Historical Sequence

1.Strong Families: Rome was founded on high moral standards. Each father was respeced as the head of the family. In the early republic, the father had legal authority to discipline rebellious members of his family.

2.Home Education: The education of the children was the responsibility of the parents. This futhrer strengthened the children's honor and respect for their parents and also deepened the communication and understanding between parents and children.

3.Prosperity: Strong Roman families produced a strong nation. The Roman armies were victorious in war. The wealth of conquered nations increased Roman prosperity and prestige.

4. National Achievements: Great building programs began in Rome. A vast network of roads united the empire. Magnificent palaces, public buildings, and coliseums were constructed.

5. Infiltration of "The Lie": As Roman families porspered, it became fashionable to hire educated Greeks to care for the children. Greek philosophy, with its humanistice and godless base, was soon passed on to the Roman families. Women demanded more rights and, in order to accommodate them, new marriage contracts were designed, including 'open marriages'.

6. Big Government: By the first century A.D. the father had lost his legal authority. It was delegated to the village, then to the city, then to the state,a nd finally to the empire. In Rome, citizens complained about housing shortages, soaring rents, congested traffice, polutted air, crimes in the streets, and the high cost of living. Unemployment was a perennial problem. To solve it, the government created a multitude of civil service jobs, including building inspectors, health inspectors, and tax collectors.

7. Decline and Persecution: The problem of big government only multiplied. Meanwhile, a flourishing New Testament Churc was established in the Roman Empire throught he preaching of the Apostle Paul and others. The final act of the Roman Empire was to bring great persecution to these Christians

Rome was quite tolerant of all religions except Christianity. Christianity was banned and Christians were persecuted, burned, and thrown to the lions. Why? Because the very nature of Christianity is intolerant of "the lie" of Satan which is the basis of every other religion.

The above was taken from the book titled THE REBIRTH OF AMERICA, published in 1986 by the Author S. Demoss Foundation.

Can we not see the simlarities in these things and the evil that is taking place in our nation today.


selahV said...

Tim: some see, but most don't want to see. their desires and fulfilling all their wants are more important than correcting and practicing self-control. great post. selahV

Tim A. said...

Thanks for the comment. I know what you say is true.